Update - 11th February 2025
Today we are bidding farewell to Dr Peter Finlayson who has been with South City Medical since last year alongside working at Invercargill Medical Centre. Dr Finlayson has had a long career in General Practice having graduated from the University of Otago in 1979. We wish him well.
When you call to make an appointment, you will be offered the option of seeing a Clinician face-to-face or via our Telehealth option, onsite at the Practice.
If you choose to see the Clinician via Telehealth our team will help if this is your first experience using this option.
We are currently recruiting for a General Practitioner or Nurse Practitioner. We would love your help with our recruitment, please get in touch if you know someone who might be interested.
Our Appointments
Our appointments are 15 minutes. Out of respect for our team and our other patients, if you need more time or need to discuss multiple concerns, please book a double appointment. This will incur a double appointment charge.
Repeat Prescriptions
We require 4 working days to process your prescription and send it to your Pharmacy. Please don’t wait until your medication has run out to contact us.
There is a $15.00 charge for all prescriptions.